Para quem não sabe, os parques Disney possuem um fórum oficial em seu site para responder às mais diversas perguntas dos hóspedes. Este fórum é chamado de Disney Park Moms Panel e as perguntas são encaminhadas para pessoas selecionadas por eles para responderem às dúvidas.
Essas pessoas são selecionadas anualmente, quando por volta de agosto/setembro abre a chamada no site Moms Panel Search. E pela primeira vez decidi tentar concorrer para fazer parte deste seleto grupo, mesmo sem saber "o que se ganha com isso" (só depois descobri que ao final do ano que você é colaboradora, você ganha uma estadia na Disney para você e mais três pessoas da sua família). Apenas após minha inscrição que descobri que eles estariam pensando em abrir um Moms Panel em português, para finalmente ajudar os milhares de brasileiros que visitam os parques. Não sabíamos quantos brasileiros seriam selecionados para tal tarefa para 2015.
As regras deste ano eram:
"All Panelists must:
• Be 18 years of age or older.
• Have access to a computer and an Internet connection.
• Have visited either Walt Disney World® Resort or Disneyland® Resort at least once in the last 12 months. If applying to be a Disney Cruise Line® or Disney Vacation Club® Panelist, you must have experienced that vacation within the last 24 months.
• Be able to complete at least approximately 10-20 written responses per week.
• Provide their own opinions and feedback on Disney vacations.
• Submit an autobiography and personal photo and/or video to be posted online.
• Be available to travel to Walt Disney World® Resort during dates between December 8-15, 2014 for Training sessions. Panelists cannot bring family members or friends on the Training visit (detailed dates will be confirmed with Panelists following the search & selection).
• Not be current employees/Cast Members of The Walt Disney Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates or of any operating participant located at the Walt Disney World or Disneyland Resorts, must not be immediate family members of a current employee/Cast Member of The Walt Disney Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates or of any operating participant located at the Walt Disney World or Disneyland Resorts, and must not currently reside with a current employee/Cast Member of The Walt Disney Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates or of any operating participant located at the Walt Disney World or Disneyland Resorts. In addition, participants must not be employees, contractors, advisors or consultants for, must not hold more than a de minimis ownership interest in, and must not serve on the Board of Directors of, any entity of The Walt Disney Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates or of any entity which owns or operates any hotel, resort or theme park located in Orange, Osceola, Lake, Polk or Seminole Counties, Florida or Orange County, California.• Not be currently employed in the travel, hotel or theme park industries (including being a travel agent or consultant); and not be an immediate family member of, or currently reside with, people currently employed in the travel, hotel or theme park industries (including being an immediate family member of, or currently residing with a travel agent or consultant)."
• Be 18 years of age or older.
• Have access to a computer and an Internet connection.
• Have visited either Walt Disney World® Resort or Disneyland® Resort at least once in the last 12 months. If applying to be a Disney Cruise Line® or Disney Vacation Club® Panelist, you must have experienced that vacation within the last 24 months.
• Be able to complete at least approximately 10-20 written responses per week.
• Provide their own opinions and feedback on Disney vacations.
• Submit an autobiography and personal photo and/or video to be posted online.
• Be available to travel to Walt Disney World® Resort during dates between December 8-15, 2014 for Training sessions. Panelists cannot bring family members or friends on the Training visit (detailed dates will be confirmed with Panelists following the search & selection).
• Not be current employees/Cast Members of The Walt Disney Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates or of any operating participant located at the Walt Disney World or Disneyland Resorts, must not be immediate family members of a current employee/Cast Member of The Walt Disney Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates or of any operating participant located at the Walt Disney World or Disneyland Resorts, and must not currently reside with a current employee/Cast Member of The Walt Disney Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates or of any operating participant located at the Walt Disney World or Disneyland Resorts. In addition, participants must not be employees, contractors, advisors or consultants for, must not hold more than a de minimis ownership interest in, and must not serve on the Board of Directors of, any entity of The Walt Disney Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates or of any entity which owns or operates any hotel, resort or theme park located in Orange, Osceola, Lake, Polk or Seminole Counties, Florida or Orange County, California.• Not be currently employed in the travel, hotel or theme park industries (including being a travel agent or consultant); and not be an immediate family member of, or currently reside with, people currently employed in the travel, hotel or theme park industries (including being an immediate family member of, or currently residing with a travel agent or consultant)."
Na inscrição respondi a umas quatro perguntas, em inglês, como se eu já fosse uma "panelist", que vamos chamar de "colaboradora". E, salvo minha fraca memória, anexei uma foto de minha e da minha família num momento mágico na Disney. Para vocês terem noção, uma das perguntas foi: "Imagine you have one day to spend at Walt Disney World Resort. In
150 words or less, give us an idea of what your "schedule" might look
like." Não há resposta certa ou errada, existe a sua resposta, que eles vão avaliar. Sendo aprovado do Round 1, a gente receberia email comunicando da próxima etapa.
![]() |
Os colaboradores do Disney Parks Moms Panel de 2012. Fonte: Disney Parks Blog. |
Eu recebi o sim durante as minhas férias em Orlando e fiquei extasiada. Foi mágico ler aquele email!! rs O Round 2 consiste em responder mais perguntas, agora eles não perdoariam erros gramaticais (em inglês!), erros na nomenclatura das atrações, etc. E ainda teríamos que anexar um video comentando sobre o que seriam as férias mágicas na Disney. Para minha sorte, o prazo de envio começava um dia após o meu retorno das férias, pois se tivesse que fazer isso lá seria impossível, pois não tinha levado computador.
As perguntas do Round 2 foram:
"Question 1: We'd like you to answer a sample
question similar to those submitted to the Disney Parks Moms Panel.
Please craft this as if your answer was going to be posted on
Feel free to refer to questions and answers already on the site, but
we'd like to see your own style and personality shine, along with a
heaping helping of Pixie Dust. Proper grammar, nomenclature, punctuation
and information that is easily understood is vital. Your answer needs
to be 201 words or less.
Your question: The December
holiday season is fast-approaching! My family and I (my husband and our
9-year-old daughter) are planning a visit to Walt Disney World® Resort.
What do you suggest as "must dos" to make it a memorable holiday
celebration? We've never been in December. And how's the weather that
time of year? Thanks, Lillian
Question 2: That
question was so nice, let's do it twice! Here's another sample question
similar to those submitted to the Disney Parks Moms Panel. Please craft
this as if your answer was going to be posted on
Feel free to refer to questions and answers already on the site, but
we'd like to see your own style and personality shine, along with a
heaping helping of Pixie Dust. Proper grammar, nomenclature, punctuation
and information that is easily understood is vital. Your answer needs
to be 142 words or less.
Your question: My husband and I
have been to Walt Disney World® Resort many times and love it. We're
both in our mid-30s and have been coming with our families since we were
kids. We love to be active and also love all-things-history when it
comes to the parks. This trip we'd like to try some of the recreation we
hear about all over Walt Disney World® Resort property. We have 2 days
-- what would you suggest we consider booking? Regards, Flora
Question 3:
In 36 words or less tell us your favorite Disney Parks souvenir, and
(briefly, of course!) why. (NOTE: This DOES NOT need to be phrased in
the form of a "sample answer" like Question 1 and 2.)
Question 4:
In 119 words or less, please tell us which Walt Disney World® Resort
restaurant you would recommend to a family of 4 (parents, six-year-old
daughter and nine-year-old son) who would like to experience a nice
table service Disney dining location. (NOTE: This DOES NOT need to be
phrased in the form of a "sample answer" like Question 1 and 2.)
Question 5: In 100 words or less, tell us a little about you.
Question 6: In 200 words or less, tell us about your family and what makes a Disney Parks vacation special with them.
Question 7: In 100 words or less, we'd like to know: what sources do you
visit/read/watch/listen to get the latest news about Walt Disney World® Resort?
What sets Walt Disney World® Resort apart from other vacation
destinations for you and your family? Video must be 71 seconds or less,
and 63 mb or less. Allowed video versions include avi, mov, mpeg, mp4,
mpg, wmv, m4v. (NOTE: We are often asked, "What is the Disney Parks Moms
Panel Search Committee looking for in these videos? Any tips you can
share?" Here's the answer: we want to get an idea of your personality,
as well as your opinion/knowledge about the question, in your video.
This is your video, so relax, have fun and be yourself.)"
Olha o video da Barbara, uma das concorrentes do Moms Panel brasileiro, que show. O povo está afiado!!
Mas após o Round 2, as coisas ficaram esquisitas, pois os concorrentes americanos receberam os emails aprovados ou não no dia 11/11, enquanto que nós aqui no Brasil não tínhamos nenhuma resposta. Eu fiquei perdida e busquei na web e cai num fórum do The DIS e por conseguinte no Twitter do RP da Disney, o Gary Buchanan, que é extremamente simpático e respondeu a todas as perguntas que faziamos a ele. Apenas através dele que tivemos notícias, inclusive que neste ponto outra equipe, a Disney Internacional, assumiria nossa seleção para o Round 3. E acabamos descobrindo quem eram os demais concorrentes, e montamos um grupo no facebook e entrei nos grupos dos americanos para poder acompanhar o processo deles.
O Round 3 consiste numa ligação (lá eles falaram com o próprio Gary!! oh inveja) de vinte minutos. Não tenho nem ideia do que é falado nesta ligação. E também haveria imediatamente um Round 4, onde logo após o R3, eles deveriam responder a uma pergunta dos moldes do R2, mas agora com tempo para enviar a resposta. Parece que as perguntas do R3 brasileiro foram tiradas de um grande grupo no Facebook (não vou falar o nome para não dar ibope, mas que todo mundo participa hahahaha).
Para nós, brasileiros, a resposta seria na "early next week"... E a semana começou e junto com ela, a ansiedade de todos nós. Infelizmente o email de terça, dia 18, foi um não para mim. Eu acho que pisei na bola com o video, e rodei. Fiquei triste e chateada, mas enfim, como diz a minha amiga Anne, vida que segue. Até onde calculamos foram entre 30-40 pessoas aprovadas no R2 e umas 10-15 para o R3/R4. Assim, já sabemos que serão 2 colaboradoras em português no Moms Panel representando nosso país. Conheço as meninas, e torço para que elas tenham sucesso!! Logo, logo, devemos saber quem estará lá. =D
Quem for aprovado, fará um treinamento de 8 a 15 de dezembro na Disney. Isso-deve-ser-fantástico!!!
Para mim, fico na expectativa apenas, pois para concorrer tem que ter ido à Disney no ano anterior à data da inscrição. Se abrir em agosto, e não mudarem as regras, talvez eu possa sim concorrer para a seleção do ano que vem. Enquanto isso, continuo ajudando a galera no pequeno grupo do Facebook que temos e me tornei uma #DisneyMP2016hopeful hahahaha.
Disney Moms Panel Brasil
Brazil Di
Oi Camila! Vc participou nos outros anos? Tem algum relato pra contar? Me inscrevi neste ano e estou na torcida! Vc poderia me indicar os grupos brasileiros no face? Faço parte do grupo americano "the amazing adventures of dpmp search".
Tharcilla, boa sorte pra ti. OLha, eu participo ainda de um grupo no facebook bem ativo quanto a isso (Disney Parks Moms Panel Hopefuls) e pelo que pude ver rapidinho, alguns já passaram para o Round 2, do video. Depois dele existe o Round 3, da entrevista.